Payments: How to make a Payment to an Operating account on behalf of a Client for a specific Matter.
1. Click ‘+ Add New’ and select ‘Payment'.

2. Choose ‘Record Payment to Operating'.

3. Enter the ‘Client : Matter’, 'Amount', 'Date', and 'Description'.

4. Click ‘Receive Payment’ if you utilize our Rocket Matter Pay Integration.
NOTE: Click 'Record Payment' if you do not use Rocket Matter Pay. This will simply record the Payment to operating. Select 'Transfer from Trust' to apply trust funds to pay the balance.
5. Enter the Client’s Payment Information and click 'Review'.

Toggle 'Store payment details for later use' to save the Client's credit card information.

6. Click 'Pay' to charge the Client.

8. You will receive a confirmation message upon successful completion. Choose 'Done' to exit the page or 'Add Another' to enter an additional Payment.