How to update the payment information for your Rocket Matter account.
1. Click 'Settings' from the left-hand navigation panel.
NOTE: If you don't see 'Settings', please contact your account administrator.

2. Then, select 'Load Billing Portal' under the Subscription section. The billing portal will begin loading.

3. One the Billing Portal has finished loading, click 'View Billing Portal'.

4. Click on Payment Methods to update the payment information on file.

Should you decide to place your bank account information on file for us to initiate an ACH payment as your preferred method of payment, no fees will be applied.
EXAMPLE: If your total invoice charge is $100.00 and Rocket Matter applies your payment utilizing the ACH information you have on file, the total amount charged will be $100.00.
Rocket Matter imposes a 3% surcharge on credit card purchases, which is not greater than our cost of acceptance.
EXAMPLE: If your total invoice charge is $100.00 and Rocket Matter applies a 3% credit card surcharge, the total amount charged to your credit card will be $103.00.
If no payment method is on file, Rocket Matter will add a $50.00 convenience fee associated with our cost of manually processing the payment.
EXAMPLE: If your invoice total charge is $100.00, a convenience fee will be applied, bringing the total amount due to $150.00.
5. Please ensure billing address is correct for your preferred payment method.
Need more help? Contact our Award-Winning Support Team at (888) 432-1529 or [email protected]