How to add an Expense
1. Click on the '+Add New' in the top-right corner and select 'Time or Expense'.
2. Select the 'Expense' toggle.
3. Enter the description, client:matter, billing user and amount.
4. If you'd like to associate a Vendor, you can enter the contact or business name here.
When adding expenses, you're given the option to associate the Vendor. The Vendor field within the expense module populates ALL contact, and business records.
If you'd prefer in this field for only contacts and businesses marked as 'Vendor's' to populate, an Administrator in your account can enable the 'Contact Vendor on Expenses' feature in the Settings section. Once enabled, this will display only contact records, or businesses that are marked as vendors. Click here to learn how!
5. Select an expense type, if applicable.
Typically, firms designate 'Hard' costs as expenses incurred on behalf of a client that require a direct payment by the firm to a vendor. These are normally reimbursed to the firm by the client, but again, each firm does this differently. 'Soft' costs are typically expenses that are charged to the client but a direct payment is not made to a vendor.
To learn more about billing holds and how you can hold soft fees, hard fees or all fees when invoicing, click here!
6. If applicable, apply additional billing options.
Do Not Charge can be selected when adding billable time. The billable time entry and description will show up as a line item on the Client's Invoice, however, there will be no actual charge to the Client.
'Non-billable' can be selected when adding billable time. Any non-billable entry will be recorded internally, but will not appear on an Invoice or Pre-bill. Non-billable entries will NOT show up on Invoices.
7. Save and Add Another Entry, or Save and Close.