'I want to see all my matters that have a certain workflow status attached' Report Key
This report is a detailed view of every Matter and its corresponding Project Management Information. Since Project Management is not a required field when creating Matters, many of the values in this report may be blank. If a user decides to utilize these Project Management tools, the values in this report such as, Matter Type, Status, and Max Recommended Days in workflow Status will update as changes are made to the Project Management settings.
Report Filters

- Start Date & End Date: This filter will scope the report to Matters that were created between the given date range. This does not limit or filter Matters by their status (Open, Completed and Closed).
- Select matter type: This filter will scope the result set to one specific Project Management Matter type. This filter can be left empty, which will return all Matter statuses. This list will pull in any Matter types created in the Project Management 'Edit Matter Types' section of the 'Settings' page.
- Select status: This filter will scope the result set to one specific Project Management Matter Status. This filter can be left empty which will return all Matter types. This list will pull in any Matter statuses created in the Project Management 'Edit Matter Statuses' section of the 'Settings' page.
- Select due view: This filter will scope the result set to Matters on schedule or overdue. This filter can be set to 'Overdue & on Schedule' (default setting), which will return all Matter statuses. Matters fall into one of the categories (Overdue or On Schedule) based on a specified time range. These time ranges are determined by the user within the 'Edit Matter Statuses' section of the 'Settings' page.
Report Columns

- Primary attorney: This column displays the Primary Attorney. For Matters that do not have an assigned Primary Attorney, the record will show a blank value.
- Client: This column displays the Client's name in which the Matter belongs to. The results are sorted by this column; therefore, the results are grouped by the Client.
- Matter: This column displays the Matter name.
- Matter Type: This column displays the Matter Type in which the matter belongs to. These Matter Types are assigned at the Matter level, within the 'Edit Matter' page.
- Status: This column displays the Matter Status in which the Matter belongs to. These Matter Statuses are assigned at the Matter level, within the 'Edit Matter' page.
- Workflow Status Date: This column displays the date that the Matter was assigned a status and type. This field will update as a Matter is moved along through the various stages of a Matter Type. For example, when a Matter is moved from Stage 1 to Stage 2, the Workflow Status Date will update.
- Days in Workflow Status: This column displays the number of days in which the Matter has been in Its current status. This number is derived from Today's Current Date - Workflow Status Date; this number includes holidays and weekends.
- Max Recommended Days in workflow Status: This column displays the recommended number of days in which the Matter should be in that status. These time ranges are determined by the user within the 'Edit Matter Statuses' section of the 'Settings' page.
- Last Activity Date: This column displays the most recent date in which a user has added activity, uploaded documents, changed a status, or worked within the Matter. This helps administrators determine which Matters need to be looked at and which projects are going stale.
- Overdue: This column will display a 'Yes' or 'No', letting users know which Matters have been in its 'Status' past its 'Max Recommended Days in workflow Status'. For example, if Status 1 has 10 recommended days in a workflow status and it is in its 15th day, the Matter would be overdue and display as 'Yes'.