Rocket Matter Knowledge BaseMerge FieldsInvoice Template merge fields.

Invoice Template merge fields.

This document contains a list of all accepted merge fields for invoice templates in Rocket Matter. Please copy and paste the merge fields into your invoice template to bring the information specified in each field over. Once you are done, please upload your invoice template into Rocket Matter. If you have any additional questions, please email our Support team at [email protected]

Your Company Contact Information


Any logo that was added to your Rocket Matter by the Rocket Matter Support Team.


The firm name you listed when you signed up for Rocket Matter.  The firm name can be changed on the firms contact record inside your Rocket Matter


The tag line you added to your Rocket Matter when you subscribed.

«Customer.AddressLine1» «Customer.AddressLine2» «Customer.CityStateZip»

Your firms address. The firm address can be changed on the firms contact record inside your Rocket Matter


Your firms phone number. The firm phone number can be changed on the firms contact record inside your Rocket Matter


Your firms fax number. The firm phone number can be changed on the firms contact record inside your Rocket Matter

Client Contact Information


The name of the client.


The first name of the client.


The last name of the client.


Your client’s address as it is listed in your Rocket Matter contacts. Defaults to work address.


Name of primary contact listed on a company contact record.


Preferred name field in contact  if someone other than the client is being billed.


The client’s full home address.


The client’s full work address.


The client’s home email.


The client’s work email.

General Invoice Information


The name of the matter.


The date the invoice was prepared.


Invoice number for this invoice.


The subtotal of all attorney fees on the invoice.


The subtotal of all costs on the invoice.


The matter ledger balance from the last invoice to the current invoice including its adjustments and payments.

«Invoice.TrustAccountAmountSubTotal» *

Trust Account balance from the last invoice to the current invoice including its adjustments and payments.

«Invoice.RetainerAmountLabel» *

This will populate the label “Retainer Amount”, or be left blank if Evergreen is not being used.

«Invoice.RetainerAmount» *

This will populate the agreed upon required retainer amount.

«Invoice.RetainerReplenishmentDue» *

This will populate the retainer replenishment amount due to the client.

«Invoice.RetainerReplenishmentDueLabel» *

This will populate the label “Retainer Replenishment Due”, or be left blank if Evergreen retainers are not being used.


Current charges for this invoice


The balance of the previous invoice including payments and adjustments thenceforth.

«Rate» Hourly rate of each billable item (must be included in attorney’s fees table).


The previous invoice total without any credit adjustments or payments added.


Shows the amount that would be transferred from trust that is held in pending for the current invoice.


Shows the amount that has been transferred from trust for the current invoice.


Shows the begin date of the invoice date range. Will be blank if begin date not entered.


Shows the end date of the invoice date range.


Shows full Attorney's name for each activity. Must be entered in billable activity table.


When INSERT is replaced with the title of your custom matter field, this Merge field reflects the value in that field (ex: Matter.Custom.Beneficiary).


When INSERT is replaced with the role name that is located in the matter, this Merge field reflects the home address located in that contact record.


When INSERT is replaced with the role name that is located in the matter, this Merge field reflects the work address located in that contact record.


Shows vendor name. Must be entered in cost table.

Client Specific Information


The previous balance including payments and adjustments thenceforth.


The subtotal of the invoice (including taxes).


The total of all credits and debits made to the matter ledger since the last invoice.


*The total of all payments made during the current billing period. This includes any payments made to the matter and money transferred from the trust ledger.

«Client.NowDue» *

The current balance combined with pending withdrawals of the trust ledger. This field will display 0.00 if there is enough credit in the trust ledger. This number will include taxes in the calculation.


When INSERT is replaced with the title of your custom client contact record field, this Merge field reflects the value in that field (ex: Client.Custom.Beneficiary).

«Client.TrustAccount» *

The trust ledger balance after an invoice was created.  This will include any money that is waiting to be confirmed as withdrawn from the trust account.


Shows the clients previous invoice amount.


The total amount due after clients most recent payment.



Displays LEDES Activity code


Displays LEDES Task code


Displays LEDES Expense Code


Displays LEDES Activity code and the description of the code


Displays LEDES Task code and the description of the code


Displays LEDES Expense code and the description of the code

*These codes must be included within a table to function and are only compatible with LEDES 1998B

Default Account Statement Table:


Previous Balance


Current Charges


New Balance






Now Due


Trust Account






Attorney Fees Tallied Table:

«TableStart:Invoice.SummaryAttorneysHours» «User» «TotalHours» «TableEnd:Invoice.SummaryAttorneysHours»


Default Attorney’s Fees Table (with Rate):

«TableStart:Invoice.AttorneysFees»«Date» «Description» «User» «Hours»

«Rate» «Amount»«TableEnd:Invoice.AttorneysFees»

SUBTOTAL: «Invoice.AttorneysFeesHoursSubTotal» «Invoice.AttorneysFeesAmountSubTotal»


Default Cost/Expense Table:

«TableStart:Invoice.Costs»«Date» «Description» «Amount»«TableEnd:Invoice.Costs»

SUBTOTAL: «Invoice.CostsAmountSubTotal»


Default Matter Ledger Table:

«TableStart:Invoice.MatterLedgers»«Date» «Description» «Amount»«TableEnd:Invoice.MatterLedgers»

SUBTOTAL: «Invoice.MatterLedgersAmountSubTotal»


Default Trust Account Table:

«TableStart:Invoice.TrustAccount»«Date» «Description» «Amount»«TableEnd:Invoice.TrustAccount»

Available in Trust: «Invoice.TrustAccountAmountSubTotal»


Summary Table & Evergreen Retainer Fields:






Attorney’s Fees with LEDES Codes Description:

«TableStart:Invoice.AttorneysFees»«Date» «Description»


«LEDES_TaskCodeDescription» «User» «Hours» «Amount»«TableEnd:Invoice.AttorneysFees»

SUBTOTAL: «Invoice.AttorneysFeesHoursSubTotal» «Invoice.AttorneysFeesAmountSubTotal»


Attorney’s Fees with LEDES Codes:

«TableStart:Invoice.AttorneysFees»«Date» «Description»



«User» «Hours» «Amount»«TableEnd:Invoice.AttorneysFees»

SUBTOTAL: «Invoice.AttorneysFeesHoursSubTotal» «Invoice.AttorneysFeesAmountSubTotal»


Costs with LEDES Codes Description:

«TableStart:Invoice.Costs»«Date» «Description»

«LEDES_ExpenseCodeDescription» «Amount»«TableEnd:Invoice.Costs»

SUBTOTAL: «Invoice.CostsAmountSubTotal»


Costs with LEDES Codes:








Taxes Information:


The total amount owed on this invoice.  (Current Charges). Includes Taxes


The new balance combined with pending withdrawals from the trust account + Tax


Balance due (including taxes) plus retainer replenishment


Total amount of Taxes paid on this invoice.


Taxes Table:

«TableStart:Invoice.Taxes»«Description» «Percentage» «Amount»«TableEnd:Invoice.Taxes»


Interests and Discounts:


This Merge field shows the description of the Discount that is assigned to the matter.


This Merge field reflects the dollar amount result of the 'Rate' against the total charges of this invoice, which the discount is being applied to.


This Merge field reflects the date result of the 'Days Valid' field added to the date this invoice was processed.


This Merge field reflects the interest 'Rate' calculated against the total amount of this invoice.


This Merge field reflects the date result of the 'Term' days added to the date this invoice was processed.



Discount Description


Discount Applied


Discount if payment received by


Interest Rate Applied


Interest will be applied if received after