QuickBooks Online: Expense Configuration Overview.
Now with QuickBooks Online enhancements, you can choose which Expense account you'd like to sync each expense to.
- Move your expense account from the list of available expense accounts on the left, to your configured expense accounts on the right. Once the account is a 'Configured Account' it will appear as an available expense account and can be chosen from the drop menu when adding an expense.
- If you move all expense accounts to 'Configured Accounts', you'll have the option to choose one from ALL of these accounts when adding an expense.
- The default expense account will display by default when adding any new expense.
- Use the search feature to search for expense accounts.
> Click (highlighted blue) to select to move one expense accounts over to 'Configured Accounts'.
>> Click (highlighted blue) to select, and move all expense accounts over to 'Configured Accounts'.
< Use the single red arrow to remove a selected configured account, back to the 'Expense Accounts' list.
<< Use the double red arrow to remove all configured accounts and move back to the 'Expense Accounts' list.

All other expenses will automatically sync to your default expense account. Scroll down to learn more about the default expense account.

The Default Expense Account will be identified with a star on the QuickBooks Configuration page. This account cannot be moved back to 'Expense Accounts' unless another account is selected as the 'Default Expense Account' from the drop-down menu. Once the lock icon is removed, at that point it can be removed back to the 'Expense Account' list.

A configured account with a lock icon cannot be moved back to an Expense account if expenses have previously synced to this account.

Now, while adding expenses you can select to sync that expense to the default expense account, or choose from the drop-down menu to sync to one of your configured expense accounts.
If you don't see an expense account from the drop-down menu, navigate back to your QuickBooks Configuration, and move the expense account to a configured account.

If selecting soft, or hard when adding an expense this will now sync into QuickBooks and appear in the MEMO column.