How to create an AssureSign template.
1. log in to AssureSign using the credentials sent to your email.


4. Add a name for the template and click 'CONTINUE'.
When you create a new template, you initially set the following:
- A name- To avoid confusion, you are required to provide a unique name for the template.
- A description- This is not required, but it is a good idea to provide a short description so users can clearly understand the purpose or version of the template.

You can always return to the template list to modify these settings later. When the template is initially created, you are the only person who has the ability to use it.
5. Upload the Document you want to use for your template. Drag and drop or click the icon to select your file.

6. Click 'OK' to save configurations that allow your template to be replaced with the Document of your choice in Rocket Matter.

7. Click 'ADD SIGNER' to begin adding fields to your template.

8. Click 'CONTINUE'.

9. Drag desired 'JotBlocks' onto your template, using as many as you like. Place the JotBlocks where you want the signer to sign, date, initial, or affirm.

10. If you wish to add additional signers, select the 'person' icon and follow the same steps for each additional signer.

11. Click 'CLOSE' to save your template.

Your saved template will appear in Rocket Matter, accessible via the drop-down menu. If you are also using ImagineShare, your templates will also appear in the e-signature drop-down in the web app and Outlook Add-in.