'I want to see the taxes invoiced and collected during a time period' Report Key
This report will display all tax rates and the total amount of the tax rate that was invoiced. This report also includes the total amount each tax rate has collected from payments made towards invoices during a specific time period. Credit adjustments are not calculated as tax collected. Collected payments are applied towards taxes first and the remaining funds are applied towards the remaining invoice balance.

Start and End Date: This filter will scope the date range in which a specific tax was attached to invoicing and collection amounts.
Select Currency: This filter will scope a tax rate with a different currency applied to the client:matter.
Report Columns

Tax Description: The name/description of the tax rate.
Tax Invoiced: The total tax amount associated with all client:matters that were invoiced with a specific tax rate applied.
Tax Collected: The total tax collected amount associated with all client:matters that were invoiced with a specific tax rate applied to that matter and received invoice payments. Credit adjustments are not calculated as tax collected. Collected payments are applied towards taxes first and the remaining funds are applied towards the remaining invoice balance.