How to set up and use the two-way Evernote integration.
Notes added from your integrated Matter will automatically sync into Evernote. Additionally, notes created in Evernote that are tied to a mapped notebook will automatically appear in Rocket Matter. You can also take advantage of Evernote's keyword search capabilities.
1. Select 'Settings' from the left-hand navigation panel.

2. Under the 'Documents' section, select 'Document Integration Settings'.

3. Click 'Configure Evernote Credentials'.

4. Sign in and click 'Continue' to authorize Rocket Matter.

5. Once connected, you will be redirected back to the 'Settings' page.
6. Navigate to the Matter you want to sync with Evernote and select 'Matter Documents' from the left-hand navigation panel.

7. Select 'Evernote' as the source. Rocket Matter will create a default notebook for this Matter containing the Matter name.

8. Select 'Change Notebook' to change the notebook you want to map to this Matter.

9. Select the new location. Then, click 'Use Selected Folder'.

The main folder you are viewing will display in the top left-hand side of the screen.

10. To search your Evernote notebooks by keyword, enter your keyword and click 'Filter'. Any notebooks containing the keyword will appear as a result.