Rocket Matter Knowledge BaseReports'I want to see all my statements per client' Report Key

'I want to see all my statements per client' Report Key

This report provides users with a list of Invoices processed within the specified time range. 

If payments are made outside of the specified time range, it will still be included in the result set. The time range filter is specific to the invoiced processed date. 

By default, if an Invoice or debit adjustment is paid in full, it will not appear in the result set. In the event users want to see both unpaid and paid Invoices, they will have to toggle on the corresponding filter. 

Summary Totals

  • Total Invoiced: This amount reflects the total amount invoiced for any specified Client. This amount will also reflect debit adjustments made to the operating ledger. 
  • Total Paid: This amount reflects the amount paid towards the Client’s Invoices. If an Invoice has been completely paid off via payment plan, retainer request to operating, trust, or direct payments, it will be excluded from the result set and the summary total. 
  • Total Due: This amount reflects the unpaid balance total across the Client’s Invoices. Reserved trust funds are excluded from this calculation.


  • Show Invoices From: This filter will scope the report to Invoices processed within the specified time frame. Payments made outside of this time frame will still be factored into the report summary.
  • For Client: This filter is required and scopes the report to one Client’s statement.
  • Include Paid Invoices: This filter will include paid off Invoices and their corresponding payments. These paid Invoices will be factored into the report summary and the result set itself. 
  • Include Adjustments: This filter is on by default and includes credit/debit adjustments in the report. Without this filter, any adjustments made to Invoices will not be considered 'payments'.

Report Columns

  • Date: This column displays the date the Invoice was processed.
  • Matter: This column displays the Matter name.
  • Invoice: This column displays the Invoice Number.
  • Amount: This column displays the invoiced amount before any payments, trust transfers, or adjustments. 
  • Amount Paid: This column displays the total amount paid toward the Invoice. This includes trust transfers, payments, and credit adjustments (if the adjustment filter is toggled on).
  • Amount Due: This column displays the amount of the Invoice(s) remaining balance. This calculation is derived from the amount minus the amount paid.