How to set up and use the two-way Dropbox Document integration.
You can integrate your Dropbox account with Rocket Matter using a two-way integration. Once integrated, any items uploaded to Dropbox within a mapped file or folder will automatically be uploaded to Rocket Matter, and vice versa.
Integrating your personal Dropbox is optimal. However, if you use Dropbox 'Business' you can still integrate your account, as long as you follow these steps:
- The owner of the account must enable the integration in order for the integration to work properly.
- The owner of the account must share complete access to the root folder with the entire firm. If the owner is not sharing complete access with the firm, this will need to be updated in Dropbox before proceeding.
Continue scrolling down for a step by step on how to setup the integration.
1. Select 'Settings' from the left-hand navigation panel.

2. Under the 'Documents' section, select 'Document Integration Settings'.

3. Select 'Configure Dropbox Credentials'.

4. Sign in to your Dropbox account to link to Rocket Matter.

5. Select 'Allow' to grant permission.

6. Once permission is granted, you will be redirected back to the 'Settings' page.

7. Navigate to the Matter you want to Integrate with Dropbox.
8. Select 'Matter Documents' from the left-hand navigation panel.

9. Select 'Change Directory' to customize your mapping.

10. Select the folder you want to integrate. Then, click 'Use Selected Folder'.

Your documents are now listed in Rocket Matter.

NOTE: The folder name displays on the top left-hand side of the screen.

11. Add files or folders by clicking on the 'page' icon or 'folder' icon in the top right-hand side of the screen.

12. To move files or folders, toggle the desired item and click 'Move Selected'.

13. Select the new location and click 'Move'.

14. To disconnect the DropBox integration, navigate to 'Settings' and click on 'Document Integration Settings'.

15. Click 'Disable Dropbox Integration'.

NOTE: You may reconnect at any time by clicking on 'Configure Dropbox Credentials' once again.