Prebills section: How to set a Prebill status to 'Pending', 'On Hold', or 'Approved'.
By assigning a certain status to your Prebills, you can easily filter your Prebills and extract exactly what you need!
For easy access, we offer three distinct options to choose from:
- The 'Pending' status means the Prebills are ready for review or are in the process of being reviewed.
- The 'On Hold' status indicates that the Matter is not ready to be billed or edited.
- The 'Approved' status means that the Prebills have been fully reviewed, edited, and approved for invoicing.
NOTE: Only users with the appropriate permissions are able to complete this task. See your firm administrator for access, if needed.
1. Click 'Billing' from the left-hand navigation panel and select the 'Prebills' option below.

The Prebill Summary will list all Clients and Matters sent to the Prebill section.

2. Use the 'Prebill Filters' to filter accordingly, or leave blank to display all.

3. By default, all Matters will be toggled as selected. To deselect all toggled Matters, use the bulk toggle feature.
NOTE: You can easily sort each column by clicking on the column headers to group and sort each category.

4. If you deselected the bulk toggle, select each Matter you want to update the status for.

5. Click 'Bulk Actions' and choose 'Set as Pending', 'Set as Hold', or 'Set as Approved'.

Below is a list of the options available in the 'Bulk Action' drop-down menu:
- Set as Pending: Indicates that the Prebills are ready for review or are in the process of being reviewed.
- Set as Hold: Indicates that the Matter is not ready to be billed or edited.
- Set as Approved: Indicates that the Prebills have been fully reviewed, edited, and approved for invoicing.
- Download Preview: Downloads the Prebills to your machine.
- Print: Prints all Prebills included in your batch, in bulk.
- Invoice: Allows you to invoice immediately, without review (not suggested as a best practice).
- Delete: Sends all activities in the Prebill back to Matter Billing. Activities will not be deleted, just removed from the 'Prebills' section.
6. Select 'Update Prebills'.

Observe the updated status listed under the 'Prebill Status' column.