Prebills section: How to send Prebills back to general billing.
On occasion, there may be a need to remove certain Matters from the 'Prebills' section. Follow the steps below to send Prebill results back to general billing in bulk, or per Matter.
Sending Matters back to general billing in bulk:
1. Select 'Billing' from the left-hand navigation panel, then click 'Prebills'.

2. To send the entire batch back to general billing, click on 'Bulk Actions' and choose 'Delete'.
By default, the Prebill Summary will display and highlight all Matters in the 'Prebills' section.

NOTE: The delete button will NOT delete the actual billing entry. It will only move the items back to general billing and remove them from the 'Prebills' section.
IMPORTANT: If any changes are made to the 'Invoice Hours' amount, and you need to delete the Prebill from the 'Prebills Section' and return it back to batch or matter billing, any changes made only to the 'Invoice Hours' will not be saved. The ‘Invoice hours’ section is only available within the Prebills Section, therefore the recommended workflow is then to Invoice All Approved Prebills from this page to avoid losing any changes made to the Invoice Hours, if applicable.
However, any changes made to a Billing User, Billing Date, Act Hours (Actual Hours), Rate, Amount, and Description will persist and won't be affected if you need to delete it from the Prebills section and return it back to batch or matter billing. Again, only any changes made to the 'Invoice Hours' amount will not be saved if deleted from the Prebills Section.
3. Select 'Delete Prebills' to confirm this action.

Sending specific Matters back to general billing:
1. Deselect the Matters you want to keep in the 'Prebills' section using the toggle.
2. Click 'Bulk Actions' and select 'Delete'. Only the toggled Matters will be sent back to general billing.

3. Select 'Delete Prebills' to confirm this action.

NOTE: The delete button will NOT delete the actual billing entry. It will only move the items back to general billing and remove them from the 'Prebills' section.
IMPORTANT: If any changes are made to the 'Invoice Hours' amount, and you need to delete the Prebill from the 'Prebills Section' and return it back to batch or matter billing, any changes made only to the 'Invoice Hours' will not be saved. The ‘Invoice hours’ section is only available within the Prebills Section, therefore the recommended workflow is then to Invoice All Approved Prebills from this page to avoid losing any changes made to the Invoice Hours, if applicable.
However, any changes made to a Billing User, Billing Date, Act Hours (Actual Hours), Rate, Amount, and Description will persist and won't be affected if you need to delete it from the Prebills section and return it back to batch or matter billing. Again, only any changes made to the 'Invoice Hours' amount will not be saved if deleted from the Prebills Section.