How to set up and use Evergreen Retainer on a new Matter.

The 'Evergreen Retainer' feature allows firms to maintain a minimum trust balance at all times. When your Client dips below the 'Replenish when below' amount, the system will automatically add a request to replenish the trust account on the next generated invoice. When the payment is made, this will restore the trust to the minimum required retainer amount.

1. Click '+ Add New' and select 'Matter'.

2. Enter the 'Client', 'Matter Name', 'Open Date', 'Billing Method', 'Statute of Limitations' (if applicable), and permission settings.

3. Select 'Billing Information' from the 'Additional Fields' section.

4. Toggle Evergreen Retainer 'On' and set your 'Minimum Required Retainer' and 'Replenish when below' amounts.

5. Enter all other Matter information needed and click 'Save Matter'.

6. In order for the invoice to display the Evergreen Retainer information, you will need to edit your Invoice Template and save the changes.

7. Select 'Tools' from the left-hand navigation panel.

8.  Select 'Custom Invoice Templates'.

9. Download the invoice template merge fields, by clicking on 'See a list of available fields'.

10. Copy the desired merge fields from the list and paste them into your existing Invoice Template.

These are a few examples of available fields: 

11. Be sure to upload your new Invoice Template after making changes.

For additional help editing and uploading your invoice template, click here.