'I want to see a collections report for all matters' Report Key.
Revenue Collections is a value that reflects any payment amount that has been allocated toward attorney fees. Payments applied toward costs are not considered revenue. Rocket Matter pays all costs off from payments before paying any fees, so if an Invoice is not paid in full, keep in mind that costs must be fully paid before anything is assessed towards fees.
Credit adjustments are not considered revenue by this report, unless the filter for 'Show Credit Adjustments as Revenue Collected' has been toggled on. If an Invoice has fees that have been 75% paid off and a credit adjustment is made for the remaining 25%, the revenue percentage will remain at 75% even though there is no remaining balance on the Invoice. The revenue collection will show as 100% if the 'Show Credit Adjustments as Revenue Collected' is toggled on. If a credit adjustment is added and not applied towards unpaid Invoices, it will not be factored as a payment for this report.
While a negative Matter Ledger Balance exists, payments made to operating will count toward the collected amount in the summary. This is not constant in other reports, such as the Invoices Processed report, where only payments made directly to Invoices will reflect in the payment amount summary value.
Report Summary Totals

- Collected Amount: This value represents the amount that was collected toward Invoices that meet the filtering criteria. Credit adjustments are not factored into this amount, unless the filter setting for 'Show Credit Adjustments as Revenue Collected' is toggled on. Payments made to operating with a negative Matter Ledger Balance will be applied to the Invoice, and thus, will be factored into this calculation.
- Costs: This value represents the total costs of the result set.
- Invoice Amount: This value represents the total amount of all Invoices, including costs, that meet the filtering criteria.
- Revenue Collections: This value is the percentage calculated by adding all the Revenue Collection values in the report results and then taking an average of the sum.

- Start Date & End Date: This filter will scope the report to Invoices that were processed between the given date range. This does not limit or filter payments and adjustments if they were made toward an Invoice in the filtered result set.
- Primary Attorney: This filter will pull Invoices for Matters that have a Primary Attorney selected. Only one attorney can be entered at a time unless this filter is left blank to view all users.
- Client : Matter: This filter will show Invoices for Matters that match the given value. Only one 'Client : Matter' can be entered at a time unless this filter is left blank to view all Clients and Matters.
- Credit Adjustments: If toggled on, this filter will factor credit adjustments as payments toward Invoices. If a credit adjustment is added and not applied towards unpaid Invoices, it will not be factored as a payment in this report.
- Matter Custom Fields: This filter will scope the report only to Invoices of Matters that have a matching custom field and value.
- Currency: This filter will limit the results to Client’s Invoices that have the specified currency set.
Report Columns

- Primary Attorney: Results are grouped by Primary Attorney. This column displays the Primary Attorney. There is a group labeled 'None' for Matters that do not have a Primary Attorney assigned.
- Client : Matter: This column displays the Client and Matter that the Invoice belongs to.
- Invoice Id: This column displays the Invoice number of the Invoice.
- Invoice Date: This column displays the date the Invoice was processed.
- Invoice Amount: This column displays the total amount of the Invoices, including costs and fees.
- Collected Amount: This column displays the total amount of payments toward the Invoice. This number includes credit adjustments if the filter to include credit adjustments has been toggled.
- Cost: This column displays the total costs of the result set.
- Revenue Collections: This value is the percentage calculated by adding all the Revenue Collection values in the report results and then taking an average of the sum.