How to view the emails you have sent and find out what the email status is.
1. Select 'Reports' from the left-hand navigation panel.

2. Scroll to 'I want to see emails that have been sent' and select 'Run Report'.

3. The 'Email Delivery Status Report' will list all the emails that have been generated from Rocket Matter.
The status of the emails, along with the time and date they were sent, display on the main page. For a more detailed view, click 'View details'.

4. Email details include: Email Type, Attachments, Recipients, and Send Logs.

5. Filter for specific emails by selecting the 'Edit Filters' button.

6. Search for specific Clients, Contacts, or date ranges. You may also select the specific email status or type of email you are looking for. Be sure to click 'Apply Filters' once you have made your selections.

7. To re-send a failed email, click 'Resend Email' from the 'Action' column.

This will open up another window where you can add recipients or remove the recipient(s). It will also display attachments and the original email message.
8. Click 'Resend Email' once you are satisfied with the email details.

9. You can also re-send emails in bulk by selecting the toggle switch on the main page. This will toggle all emails. You may un-toggle any emails that you do not want to be re-sent.

10. Next, use the drop-down arrow next to Bulk Actions to select 'Resend Email'.