'I want to see the allocation for all payments received during a time period' Report Key
This report will only display Invoices that have payments attached. If an Invoice and its activities are unpaid, it will not appear in the results set. Upon making a payment within the filter criteria, the Invoices will appear.
Costs will always be paid off first. If an Invoice was processed with $100 in costs and $100 in fees, and $100 was made; the costs will be paid off before any funds are allocated towards fees. Costs are not considered 'payments' in this report unless the user specifically toggles the 'Cost' filter to add costs to the report.
Once all costs have been paid off, payments will be allocated evenly across fees. This allocation amount is weighted by activity amount, meaning a larger activity will receive more of the payment.
Summary Totals
Total Payments: This value represents the total amount of payments collected toward Invoices that meet the filter criteria. This amount will factor in trust transfers, credit adjustments, and payments made directly to an Invoice. Payments made to operating when a negative Matter ledger balance exists will be applied to the Invoice, and thus, will be factored into this calculation.
- Start Date & End Date: This filter will scope the report to payments received between the given date range. This report is based around the payment date and disregards the Invoice processed date.
- Billing User: This filter will scope the report to the billing user per activity. This allows users to see exactly how much activity an individual collected, per Invoice.
- Client: This filters the Client's name in which the payments and corresponding activities belong to.
- Costs: This filter will include expenses and show the allocation for each cost/expense if included as a report filter. If you choose to include costs as a filter, the report summary total will also reflect the income paid towards expenses.
- Group By Attorney: By default, this filter will separate each Invoice by the activity’s billing user. The second option allows users to break apart payments by primary attorney. If the Invoice was processed without a primary attorney, the activities are grouped into a 'No Primary Attorney' category. The third option allows users to break apart payments by the originator. If no originator was assigned to the Client, the activities are grouped into a 'No Originator' category.
- Currency: This filter will limit the results to the Client’s Invoices that have the specified currency set.
Report Columns
- Billing User, Primary Attorney, Originator: This column displays the selected grouping filter. Depending on the option selected, this column will group the result set accordingly.
- Invoice Date: This column displays the date the Invoice was processed.
- Invoice Amount: This column displays the invoiced processed amount. This column amount is not affected by any trust transfers, credit adjustments, or payments.
- Client: This column displays the Client's name in which the Matter belongs to.
- Matter: This column displays the Matter name.
- Originator: This column displays the originator for the Matter. If no originator was assigned to the Client, the field will display 'No Originator'.
- Primary Attorney: This column displays the Primary Attorney for the Matter. If no originator was assigned to the Matter, the field will display 'No Primary Attorney'.
- Type: This column displays the activity type.
- Description: This column displays the billing description.
- Billing Date: This column displays the activity’s billing date. This date can be different than the Invoice date.
- Units: This column displays the billing units for the activity. If the activity was a flat fee or expense (does not contain billing units), this field will be blank.
- Rate: This column displays the effective billing rate for the activity. This column will reflect custom rates set at the Client level or within the activity modal.
- Activity Amount: This column displays the total activity amount.
- Payments: This column displays two aggregate totals. The first being payments per grouping (billing user, primary attorney, originator) and the second being payments per Invoice. This column also displays the payment allocation for each individual activity.
- Percentage: This column displays the allocation percentage per activity. This column will never show aggregate totals per Invoice or grouping.