Two-Way Sharing: Document Sharing.

Email and share documents to the recipient of your choice straight from Rocket Matter.

1. Navigate to the Matter of your choice and select 'Matter Documents'.

2. Toggle the Document(s) you would like to email.

NOTE: The 'Source' must be Rocket Matter.

3a. If you only selected one Document, select the 'actions' drop-down to the right of the item and select 'Email Document'.

3b. If you selected more than one Document, select 'Bulk Actions' and 'Email Documents'.

4. Enter a 'Subject', choose the 'Client Email' address, and add 'Additional Recipients', if desired. Fill in the email body and add billable time for the email, if necessary. Once complete, select 'Send Email'.

NOTE: Use the arrows to change the order of the attachments. Or, select the 'X' to delete the attachment.

5. Emails will be stored in the 'Matter Emails' section, under 'Integrated emails' for future reference.

Click here for an FAQ on how to request a Document from your Client.