How to set up a one-way calendar feed from Rocket Matter to iCal on desktop.
The Rocket Matter Calendar can be 'fed' into any calendar that accepts ICS feeds. This is a one-way sync, where your Rocket Matter Calendar events are shared with an external calendar. No calendar events are synced back into Rocket Matter, as this is a one-way sync.
Date Range: Enabling the sync today will share your Rocket Matter calendar entries from 60 days before today and no later than one year from today's date.
Note: The iCal location for setting up an external calendar is different than Google Calendar's location.
The following instructions show you how to set up a one-way calendar feed from iCal on your desktop:
1. Select 'My Profile' from the left-hand navigation panel.

2. Scroll down the page to view the 'Webcal Link'. Copy the link.

3. On your desktop, select the calendar icon to access additional options.

4. On the top tool bar, next to the Apple icon, 'Calendar' displays. Click 'File' and 'New Calendar Subscription'.
5. Paste the ICS feed/ link and click 'Subscribe'.

6. Customize Calendar information and click 'OK' to save.

7. Your Rocket Matter Calendar feed is now set up! You should see your Rocket Matter events populate on your iCal.

NOTE: Images taken of desktop are using 'Dark Mode'.