RM Trust: How to set up an automated recurring billing plan.
1. Navigate to the matter you wish to establish a recurring billing plan for.
2. While in the matter, click on ‘Matter Payments’ in the left-hand navigation panel. Next, select the ‘Recurring Billing’ option and click ‘next step’.

3. Enter plan details: the Dollar amount, date of the first payment, and the contact name for to whom should receive payment failure email recipients.

4. Select one of the following payment terms.
Option 1: Enter specified number of payments.

Option 2: Charge monthly amount until I manually stop the plan or the matter is closed.

5. Enter automatic billing if you’d like to utilize this option and enter automatic billing credit card information.

6. Click 'next' and select the trust account you want to use from the drop-down. Verify the recipient email or add another email and click on ‘Review Plan’.

7. To begin recurring billing click 'Start Plan'.