Prebills section: How to Invoice all approved Prebills.
1. Click 'Billing' from the left-hand navigation panel and select the 'Prebills' option below.

You can access a list of all Clients and Matters with current charges in the 'Prebill Results' section.

2. Using the 'Prebill Filters', click on the 'Status' filter and toggle 'Approved'. Then, select 'Apply' to display only 'Approved' Prebills.

NOTE: By default, all matters will be toggled as selected. To deselect all toggled matters, use the bulk toggle feature, or deselect individual Matters one at a time.
You can easily sort each column by clicking on the column headers to group and sort each category.

3. Click 'Bulk Actions' and select 'Invoice'.

4. Review the Invoice Preview Options. When finished, click 'Process Invoice(s)'.

5. You'll receive a message that your request is being processed. Click 'Done'.

6. Once your request is complete, click 'Download Invoices'. Then, click to open the downloaded zip file at the bottom of your screen or find the file within your 'Downloads' folder.