How to add debit adjustments to a specific billing entry on the Invoice via the 'Invoices' section.

1. Select 'Invoices' from the left-hand navigation panel.

2. To pay your Invoice(s) you must first enter a Client, Matter, or Invoice number. To further filter your results, enter a specific time frame or custom field. Click 'Apply' to filter your results.

Invoices will populate below, from oldest to newest.

NOTE: You can take a deeper look and filter between 'Unpaid', 'Paid', or 'All' Invoices for your Client.

3. Select 'Pay Invoices'.

4. The Invoices display in the 'Basic' view. Toggle to change the view to 'Detailed'.

5. The Invoice details will display. Click '+ Invoice Details' to expand this section.

6. Information regarding this Invoice by billing user will display. If you enter a debit adjustment here, this will be applied to the Invoice as a whole. If applicable, enter these details and click 'Save'.

To make a debit adjustment to a specific billing entry on the Invoice, continue to the next step.

7. Click the '+' sign next to the billing user to view the Invoice and billing activities in greater detail.

8. Now, you can make a debit adjustment to specific billable activity. Enter the 'Adjustment Amount' to the right of the billable activity. The total debit adjustment will auto-populate at the top.

9. Once you've entered all of the necessary debit adjustments, save your changes.

Save options explained:

  • Save Credit Card/E-check Payment: Take advantage of our fully integrated merchant processor, LexCharge! Accept credit card payments and e-checks with one click, and your funds will be moved into your operating account. To learn more about payment processing with LexCharge, click here!
  • Save with Trust Transfer: Transfer funds from the Client's trust account to pay their Invoice(s).
  • Save: Clicking 'Save' will record the payment(s) on the Matter Ledger(s).