Mastercard Merchant Surcharging Forms Guide.

Merchants who intend to surcharge credit card transactions must provide notice directly to Mastercard 30 days before beginning to a surcharge.

* Complete this form from Mastercard to get started.

Mastercard Merchant Surcharge Form Tips:

First Name: Business Contact’s First Name

Last Name: Business Contact’s Last Name

Email Address: Email address where any surcharging or notifications should be sent.

Job Title: Job title of business contact.

Organization Name‎: Partner Name

Business Phone‎: Enter the merchants business phone number.

Merchant Name (doing business as)‎‎: Merchants Name

Address‎: Merchant Address

City‎: Merchant City

State‎: Merchant State

Zip Code‎: Merchant Zip Code

Acquirer/Processor Name‎: Stax

Type Of Surcharge: Select 'Brand' - This means that surcharging will apply to all Mastercard credit cards on brand level, not just specific credit card products.

Payment channels‎: Primary channel for credit card payments - Retail (face-to-face with terminals), e-commerce (online) or telephone order (taking payments over the phone).

Date surcharge will begin‎: Should at least be 30 dats from the date this form is submitted.

# of locations surcharging: Number of merchant locations (if multiple) that will be surcharging.

Agree to Mastercards terms, and conditions.
