Rocket Matter Knowledge BaseReports'I want to see Billable Activity by User(s)' Report Key.

'I want to see Billable Activity by User(s)' Report Key.

The Billable Activity by User(s) report displays detailed information regarding all activities created by every user. You can choose from various report filters to see every activity type and additional information about that activity. This report is great to track activities, hours, and the total amount of collectible income a single or multiple users has generated. Deleted activities will not appear in this report.

Report Summary Totals 

Total Amount: This value represents the sum of all the filtered activities. Non-billable and no-charge activities will not contribute to this total.

Total Hours: This value represents the number of hours worked for all the filtered activity types. Non-billable and no-charge activities are included in this total. If the filter is changed to only 'include expenses' this summary will not appear.


Start Date & End Date: This filter will scope the report to activities that were created between the given date range.

Single User Mode: This filter will set the report to only display activities created by the current user.

Multi-User Mode: This filter will set the report to display all activities created by the specified user(s). The user can search for another user to add to this list, add all to the list, or remove all from the list. Users that have been added can be removed individually by clicking the red x next to their name.

Clients: This filter will change the result set in the report to only display activities created for a specific client. All matters associated with the client will be pulled in if they have any activity on the matter. Only one client may be entered. If this field is left blank, all clients will be displayed.

Matters: This filter will change the result set in the report to only display activities created for a specific matter.  Only one matter may be entered. If this field is left blank, all matters will be displayed.

Activity types to show: This filter contains three toggles of all the billing types. 

- Billable will show all activities created that a client will owe money for.

- No charge will show all activities created that a client does not owe money for.

- Non-billable will show all activities created that a client does not owe money for and will not be invoiced.

Show with invoice status: This filter contains two toggles for activities that were already invoiced or not invoiced. The invoiced toggle will pull in all activity that has already been invoiced for. These activities will not be editable. The non-invoiced toggle will pull in all activity that has not been invoiced for. These activities are editable.

Include expenses: This filter contains two toggles for including expenses in the report. Including expenses will bring in all activities that are of the item type expense. Expenses do not have hours attached to them. Showing only expenses will filter out all activities that are not expenses.

Currency: This filter will limit the results to activities that have the specified currency set.

Matter Custom Fields: This filter will scope the report only to activities of matters that have a matching custom field and value. 

Activity Tags: This filter will scope the report only to activities that are tagged with the specified tag entered. Multiple tags may be entered.

Report Columns

Item Type: This column will display the type of activity.

Client : Matter: The client and matter that the activity is assigned to. Clicking this field will redirect the user to the matter page selected.

Description: The description of the activity. Clicking this field will open a modal to edit the activity.

User: This column displays the user who owns the activity.

Billing Date: When then the activity is set to be billed for.

Created Date: When the activity was created.

Matter Type: This column displays the matter type associated with the matter the activity is assigned to. The three options are hourly, contingency, and flat fee.

Hrs: This column displays the amount of billable time (hours) associated with the activity. Expenses and flat fees do not have any billable time.

Amount: This column displays the amount of the activity if it is marked as billable. Activities marked as no charge will display as ‘No Charge’. Activities marked as non-billable will display as ‘Non Billable’.