How to set a specific Invoice Template for one Matter.
After setting an Invoice Template for a Matter, every Invoice run for the Matter will use the designated Invoice Template, even if the Invoice is run using Batch Billing.
Invoice Templates are stored in the 'Tools' section under 'Custom Invoice Templates'. You can designate an existing Invoice Template per Matter, or you can create a new Invoice Template and upload it for use with your Matter.
NOTE: If an Invoice Template is not specified for an individual Matter, the 'Default Template' displayed in the 'Custom invoice Template' section will be used when the Invoice is run.
1. Navigate to the Matter Dashboard, and click 'Edit Matter'.
2. Select '+ Billing Information' to expand this section.
3. Select the Matter Template from the 'Matter Invoice Template' drop-down menu.
4. Select 'Save Matter' to set your Invoice Template.
Related articles:
- How to customize your Invoices.
- How to edit and upload Invoice Templates.
- How select one of Rocket Matter's six preformatted Invoice Templates.
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