How do I add a logo to my Invoice Template?
Adding a logo to your Invoice Template is easy! Simply download your Invoice Template and open it in Word. In Word, add your logo and upload the updated Invoice Template back into Rocket Matter.
1. Select 'Tools' from the left-hand navigation panel.

2. Then, select 'Custom Invoice Templates'.

3. Click 'Download Template'.

4. Select the download from the bottom of your screen, or find the file from your 'Downloads' folder to open the template in Word.

Keep a copy of your default template for reference before you begin modifying the document!
5. Remove «Image:Customer.CompanyLogo» and «Customer.CompanyName» your from the top of each page.

This will require you to shrink or enlarge the logo until you position the logo in the correct location.
6. Place your logo in the desired location. Then, save your document to a discrete location within Word.

Use Word's robust formatting options to scale and position your logo.
7. Click 'upload' in Rocket Matter.

8. Follow the prompts to select the Invoice Template you wish to upload. Then, select 'Next'.
Your newly revised template will appear in the display window. The document displayed in this window will be used by Rocket Matter as your default Invoice Template.

We recommend that you run a Prebill to check your work.
TIP: If you run a Prebill and do not see your phone number or fax number on the Invoice, access the firm's contact record inside Rocket Matter. Add the correct phone numbers to that page, and they will surface on the Invoice.
Related articles:
- How do I customize my Invoice Template?
- How do I edit and upload my Invoice Template?
- How do I choose one of Rocket Matter's six preformatted Invoice Templates?
- How do I add or change a merge field on my Invoice Template?
- How do I change the firm name and address on my Invoices?
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