RM Trust: How to set up an automated payment plan.

1. Navigate to the appropriate matter you'd like to create the payment plan for.

2. While in the matter, click on ‘matter payments’ in the left-hand navigation panel and select ‘Payment Plan’. Click ‘next step’.

Note, a negative matter ledger balance is required to create a payment plan.

3. Enter plan details.

4. Enter the Dollar Amount to be paid and the date of the first payment. Next, you'll want to add any contacts that you want to receive any payment failure email recipients and click the green “+” to add the contact.

5. Choose from one of the payment terms.

6. Enter automatic billing if you’d like to utilize this option and enter automatic billing to a credit card or e-check account.

If you dont select this option, your clients will receive an email with a link to make each payment.

7. Click 'next step'.

8. Confirm where you'd like your funds posted.

1. Operating (To enable contact LexCharge Support)

2. Trust (To enable contact LexCharge Support).

3. Automatic Accounting: This option will apply collected funds toward any unpaid balances and anything excess post to the trust account.

If you have multiple trust accounts, you can select the appropriate trust account here.

9. Confirm who shall receive invoices and or receipts for this matter and click ‘review plan’.

10. Review plan and click to finish and ‘start plan’.