Prebills section: How to view all notifications and make comments as a Billing User.
System wide, Rocket Matter's Communicator tool allows users to receive real-time notifications. Billing Administrators using the 'Prebills' section can open a dialogue with all Billing Users regarding specific line items by tagging them, while billing. To view these types of notifications, follow the steps below.
1. Access the 'Communicator' from the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.
2. Select the 'Channels' tab.
3. Click on 'Notifications'.
4. View the activity comments you were tagged in.
5. Select the 'Activity' hyperlink to open and edit the billable activity.
6. Make any necessary changes.
7. Select 'Activity Comments' to leave a comment for the Billing User.
8. Enter your comment, tag the Billing User (@person), and click 'Add'.
NOTE: If no tag is entered when the 'Activity Comment' is made, then no notification will be sent back to the Billing User. As a best practice, be sure to tag the user.