'I want to see the status of my paperless invoices' Report Key
This report will only display Invoices sent out to Clients via email or portal. If a Matter is not using Invoice sharing, its Invoices will not appear in this report.
Additionally, take note of the 'Amount Paid' column. This column allows users to find which Invoices have not been collected. Whether the client makes a partial payment to the invoice or pays the entire invoice balance, it will appear in the 'Amount Paid' column.
This report also allows users to see which Invoices have not been opened. For example, if a user sends out Invoices on the first day of the month and the 'View Date' column is blank on the tenth of that month, it may be time to resend that Invoice.

- Start Date & End Date: This filter will scope the report to Invoices that were processed within the specified time range. The end date is a required field.
- Client: This filter will scope the report to only show Invoices sent out for one specific Client. By default, this field is empty to view all Clients.
- Matter: This filter will scope the report to only show Invoices sent out for one specific Matter. By default, this field is empty to view all Matters.
- Currency: This filter will limit the results to Client’s Invoices that have the specified currency set.
Report Columns
- Sent Date: This column displays the date and time when the Invoice was sent out of Rocket Matter’s system. The time should be converted from UTC, to whatever time zone the install is using. Also, the report is sorted by this column in descending order.
- Client: This columns displays the Client name in which the Matters belong to.
- Matter: This column displays the Matter name.
- Invoice ID: This column displays the Invoice ID, regardless of where the Invoice was processed. Invoices ran from both batch billing and a single Matter will display their Invoice ID (Invoice Number).
- Invoice Charges: This column displays the total amount invoiced, regardless of any trust transfers, credit adjustments, or payments made.
Amount Paid: This column displays the amount paid towards a specific Invoice. This number includes trust transfers, adjustments, Client payments, or any other form of paying an invoice.
- The Paperless invoice report is intertwined with the Payment processor (if applicable). Meaning the date the payment was made to invoices is based off when the transaction of that payment was made to invoices, and uses that transaction date.
- View Date: This column displays the date and time upon the Client opening the email attachment. This column will remain blank until this action happens.