QuickBooks Online: How to configure and setup the Quickbooks online integration.
Before configuring your QuickBooks integration with Rocket Matter, it's strongly suggested to review the following FAQ's.
- What to know before you sync, click here!
- What data syncs from Rocket Matter to QuickBooks, click here!
- Understand the configuration categories, click here!
- Watch the QuickBooks Integration Overview video, click here!
1. BEFORE you can configure your integration, you MUST setup Taxes in your QuickBooks.
Rocket Matter features the ability to apply taxes and surcharges to any Matter. Regardless of whether you apply taxes to the matters in your Rocket Matter account, in order for your Rocket Matter/QuickBooks Online sync to be effective, 'Sales Tax' must be enabled in your QuickBooks Online Account. For steps on how to setup your taxes, click here!
2. In your Rocket Matter, click on 'Tools' in the left-hand navigational panel.
3. Select 'Configure QuickBooks Online'.

4. Click 'Connect to QuickBooks'

5. A pop up window will appear. Now, enter your QuickBooks login credentials.

6. Using the drop down menu, select your company and click 'Next'.

7. Once complete, now begin the integration configuration.

Choose between the two options:
- Sync everything from the beginning of time - It's recommend to select this setting if Rocket Matter Pay, Recurring Billing or Payment Plans are already active.
- Sync all items with invoice or transaction dates from - Payments applied to invoices processed prior to this date will NOT sync over to QuickBooks.
Expense items will sync immediately to QuickBooks upon your next sync. Generating an invoice is not required.
Now with QuickBooks Online enhancements, you can choose which Expense account you'd like to sync each expense to.
- Move your expense account from the list of available expense accounts on the left, to your configured expense accounts on the right. Once the account is a 'Configured Account' it will appear as an available expense account and can be chosen from the drop menu when adding an expense.
- If you move all expense accounts to 'Configured Accounts', you'll have the option to choose one from ALL of these accounts when adding an expense.
- Use the search feature to search for expense accounts.
> Click (highlighted blue) to select, one or multiple expense accounts over to 'Configured Accounts'.
>> Click (highlighted blue) to select, and move all expense accounts over to 'Configured Accounts'.
< Use the single red arrow to remove a selected configured account, back to the 'Expense Accounts' list.
<< Use the double red arrow to remove all configured accounts and move back to the 'Expense Accounts' list.
*The default expense account will display by default when adding any new expense.

- This account will be identified with a star on the QuickBooks Configuration page.
- This account cannot be moved back to 'Expense Accounts' unless another account is selected as the 'Default Expense Account' from the drop-down menu. Once the lock icon is removed, at that point it can be removed back to the 'Expense Account' list.

Expense Sync Options:
- Send all expenses as check.
- When adding an expense, the option to sync as a check will automatically be selected if you choose this option.
- Specify which expenses are sent as checks
- When adding an expense, the option to sync as a check will available to select each time you add an expense if you choose this option.
- Do not send any expenses as check
- When adding an expense, the option to sync as a check will not be available if you choose this option.

To learn more about expenses, click here!
Reflects the following:
- Invoices
- Debit Adjustments
- The Profit and Loss report will accurately deduct the expenses from the income.

Reflects the following:
- Expenses
- Payments

Reflects the following:
Trust Account Bucket: RM Trust Cash
- Trust withdrawals as payments.
- Transfers from trust
- Payments from trust
- Debit adjustments
- Trust deposits as deposits.
- Payments to trust
- Credit adjustments to trust
- Transfers from trust accounts

Trust Account Liability Bucket: RM Trust Liability
- Trust withdrawals as a decrease.
- Transfers from trust
- Payments from trust
- Debit adjustments
- Trust deposits as an increase.
- Transfers from trust accounts
- Payments to trust
- Credit adjustments to trust

Sync Trust Options:
If expenses are selected to sync, choose between these 3 options.
- Send all trust debits as a check.
- When making a debit adjustment, the option to sync as a check will automatically be selected if you choose this option.
- Specify which trust debits are sent as checks
- When making a debit adjustment, the option to sync as a check will available to select if you choose this option.
- Do not send any trust debits as check
- When making a debit adjustment, the option to sync as a check will not be available if you choose this option.

Reflects the following:
- Credit adjustments made to the matter ledger.

Reflects the following:
1. All Payments

8. Click to 'Save Sync Configuration'.

QuickBooks Overview Video
If you still need help resolving your QuickBooks Online issue please contact Rocket Matter Support at 1-888-432-1529 or by email at [email protected].