Rocket Matter Knowledge BaseDashboard User Time Tracking Calendar: Overview, and how to use.

User Time Tracking Calendar: Overview, and how to use.

Introducing a time tracking calendar for quick time access and entry on the user dashboard. Users can select, add, edit, or delete billing entries and expand/collapse the table as needed. When you encounter blank dates on the time tracking calendar, it signifies that no time has been recorded for the currently logged-in user or any other users that may be selected or deselected via filtering.

The time tracking calendar will grant users the ability to select any day, whether in the past, present, or future months. Users can also easily add, edit, or delete billing entries and modify information within existing billing entries directly from the time tracking calendar.

Note: The visibility of time entries for other users on a given date depends on the permissions of the logged-in user. Further details regarding multi-user calendar functionality can be found below.

Highlighted Dates on the Time Tracking Calendar:

Specific dates on the time tracking calendar will be marked with a number in a light blue field, indicating the number of hours captured for the selected user or other users on that particular date..

Weekly and Monthly Totals Summary:

At the end of each week, a totals table will provide a comprehensive summary of the total hours recorded for both the single user and any other users included in the time tracking calendar. Please note that hours of users who have not been filtered in will be excluded from the time tracking calendar.

The sum for each month will be presented as Totals at the bottom of the calendar.

Definition of Billed Units, Unbilled Units, Total Units, and Filters

Billed Units - The count of billable units that have been recorded and included in invoices.

Unbilled Units - The count of billable units that have been recorded but not yet included in invoices.

Total Units - The sum of all billable units, combining both those that have been invoiced and those that are yet to be invoiced, or simply calculated as the sum of Billed Units and Unbilled Units.

Client:Matter - The client and matter associated with the billing entry.

Billing Description - The description provided within the billing entry.

Billing User - The user responsible for the billing entry. Single User and Multi-User Viewing Modes are available.

Billing Date - The date attached to the billing entry.

Units - The quantity of billable units recorded or entered in the billing entry.

Billed - A Yes/No status indicating if the billing entry has been invoiced (Yes) or not invoiced (No).



  • Start Date: Select the start date to view all billable entries. Leaving this field blank will display all entries.
  • End Date: Select the end date to of all billable entries. You must enter an end date.
  • Single User: Will display only billable hours for the user logged in.
  • Multi User Mode: This will automatically display all activer users. You can click the X next to the users you'd like to remove and/or search to add users.
  • Billable - Toggle: By default, this toggle is enabled and will filter in all billable entries. If the toggle is disabled, it will exclude billable entries.
  • No Charge - Toggle: By default, this toggle is enabled and will filter in activities marked as no-charge entries. If the toggle is disabled, it will filter out no-charge entries.
  • Non-billable entries cannot be invoiced, and the number of units for non-billable entries should always be recorded in Unbilled Units.
  • Invoiced - Toggle: By default, this toggle is enabled and will filter in activities that have been invoiced. If the toggle is disabled, it will filter out invoiced activities.
  • Non-invoiced - Toggle: By default, this toggle is enabled and will filter in activities that have not been invoiced. If the toggle is disabled, it will filter out activities that have not been invoiced.
  • Field Name: This field name will automatically populate with the matter custom field names existing in the user's Rocket Matter account. If the field is empty and the user clicks the "+" symbol, a validation message will appear, indicating that the Matter custom data field is required.
  • Field Value: This field value enables the user to input information associated with a specific matter custom field within their Rocket Matter account. If a value already exists for the field name, the system will automatically provide matching values. If this field remains empty and the user clicks the "+", a validation message will appear, indicating that the Matter custom value field is required.

NOTE: After applying filters, the calendar will display 'Clear Calendar.' Choosing 'Clear Calendar' will remove existing filters and you'll be prompted to select your new desired filters.


Add billable time entries with ease; the billing user defaults to the currently logged-in user. Make any necessary changes by clicking on the entry below.


If you choose a particular date range or a specific day, the outcomes will align with the results shown in the Billable Activity by User report when selecting identical filters.


This is the expanded view; click here to collapse.

This is the collapsed view; Click here to expand.

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