Rocket Matter Knowledge BaseBilling by Matter How to produce proof of payment.

How to produce proof of payment.

When your Client asks for proof of payment or a receipt, you have two options in Rocket Matter.

Option 1:

Select ‘Print Ledger’.

Here is an example of a printout:

Option 2:

1. Click 'Reports' from the left-hand navigation panel.

2. Select the 'I want to see what the firm has been paid' report.

3.  Enter the 'Payments received from' date and click 'Get Answer'.

4. Scroll down and click 'Export'.

5. The report downloads at the bottom of your screen. Click to open the download, or find the file within your 'Downloads' folder.

Here is an example of your report:

Within the Excel sheet, you can filter by Client name and print that as a proof/report of payments.